Welcome to Risen King! SUNDAYS @9:00 AM & 11:00 AM IN-PERSON AND ONLINE! THURSDAYS @7PM Watch Online Here!

Thursday Church

It's Sunday Church...On Thursday!

We’re bringing Sunday morning to your Thursday night!

We are now offering a weekly worship gathering on Thursday nights at Risen King , at 7:00 PM. This will be almost identical to our Sunday morning worship services, including RK Kids programs, Birth through 5th Grade as well as our RK Youth middle school group during the sermon.

Start your weekend on Thursday night with us!

Why are we starting Thursday church services?

In short, we have a space issue. This is a GREAT problem to have! We love that we are growing and reaching so many from Rockland, Westchester, Orange and Bergen Counties.

For a lot of families, Sundays are the busiest day of the week. Kids sports, travel, and work can all happen on Sundays and we don’t want you to miss worshiping together at church.

Each week, you have THREE opportunities to worship at Risen King:

Thursdays at 7 PM, Sundays at 9 AM or 11 AM.

*Online Church is available Sundays at 9 AM & 11 AM.